Benefits of remote working | Top reasons

Benefits of remote working | Top reasons

This article looks at the benefits of remote working as an employee and the top reasons. During the recent pandemic, many businesses had to review how they were going to deliver their services. The concept of ‘working from home’ or ‘remote working’ suddenly became the norm. 

Whilst most employers pre-pandemic had not given remote working serious consideration they quickly realised that they could in fact operate effectively whether staff were based in the office, working from home offices, or operating from other remote locations.

This opened up job opportunities to a much wider audience. Which in turn allowed employers to access a greater pool of talented applicants.

Better work-life balance when remote working

The Number 1 benefit highlighted by remote workers is a better work-life balance. A FlexJobs survey in 2020 of more than 4,000 respondents working from home indicated that working from home had improved their work-life balance. This was down to things such as spending more time with their partner, children, or family pets.

Flexibility around start/finish times allows remote workers to work at the time of day that best suits them.  As long as the work is produced in a timely manner then everyone is happy.

So, whether it is getting the kids dropped off at school, fitting in a yoga class, taking the dog for a walk, or just having long lunches and breaks when you need them, remote work definitely ticks all the boxes for a better work-life balance.

No daily commute required

According to a report in 2019 the average UK employee spent a whopping 221 hours per year commuting to and from work. Even though employees in the USA spent slightly less time commuting, they still managed approximately 200 hours per year.

Whilst some people can use this time to complete work (those travelling by train, bus, plane journeys) it is acknowledged that for most employees commuting time is generally not considered to be productive.

Location, location, location

A huge benefit of remote working is the fact that borders are no longer a hindrance.

You can be situated anywhere in the world. Travel light, by using lightweight backpacks and luggage, travel neck pillows, slimline laptop bags, etc. Explore new destinations, and take your job with you wherever you go. No need to be weighed down by unnecessary belongings or pay high rental rates to live in a city center property.

Employment opportunities are also readily available to a wider global audience.

Staffing options and benefits of remote working

Companies can now embrace a wider and more diverse range of employees.  This can be beneficial to different sectors of the community. This can include those with disabilities, those who have family commitments, and those with restricted working hours.

Employing staff from different global locations can also bring a new level of understanding and working as cultures learn to appreciate each other’s way of thinking.

Customize your home office space

When working remotely you have the opportunity to customize your home office space.  Whether you are working from a corner of the kitchen, in the spare bedroom or have the luxury of a dedicated home office you can set it up as you want.  Just remember to have a good backdrop, or clear uncluttered area free that you can use if you are required to attend meetings on video calls.

Increased productivity when remote working

If done correctly, working remotely has many benefits, including fewer interruptions, no office politics, and fewer distractions.  Having a clearly defined work schedule and a dedicated area to work from is important. Also, access to regular management support is vital. This ensures remote workers have equal access to the tools and structures they need to perform well.

Employee and employer savings

Yes, remote working is actually a win/win for both employees and employers. 

Employees no longer need to be physically close to their employer and are free to move to properties more suited to their needs.  The cost of a 2-bedroom apartment in San Francisco or the centre of London would be eye-watering. But by moving out to the suburbs the employee can benefit from a larger property or more space. It can even affect the choice of schools for their children, etc.

Obviously, there are no more commuting costs for the employee such as bus and train fares, or vehicle purchases, maintenance costs and parking and fuel fees.  There are also other savings to be made such as no longer having to buy food for breaks and lunches or purchasing expensive suits and professional clothing. 

Employers no longer need as much office space, and they can now relocate out of expensive city centre locations.  The reduction in rents, utility costs, provision of uniforms, etc. can also be a real cost saving.


So we have looked at the benefits of remote working. Remote working is beneficial not only to employees but also employers. Surveys indicate that employees are happier when allowed the option of remote working. They are also more likely to remain with their existing employer.

What do you think?  Is remote working an option for you?