Do you want to find a remote job?
How to find remote job. A remote job where you can work from home every day sounds perfect. But is it?
Before you jump in and start applying for every remote position you can find, check out the following tips. And remember you only get one chance to make a first impression!
What are your reasons for wanting to find a remote job?
The main reason for people seeking remote working is – to achieve a better work/life balance. Followed by, in no particular order …
- Less time stuck in traffic
- No office politics
- Flexibility
- Independence
- Opportunity to travel and work remotely
- Also, the freedom to take a coffee break when you want … you get the picture.
What is right for you?
Before you start applying take a step back and work out what is best for you. You need to find a remote job that is suitable for both your career, your home life, and your lifestyle.
Furthermore, it takes a certain type of person to hold down a remote job. It certainly is not for the fainthearted.
What should I take into consideration?
When looking to find a remote job you should consider the following:
- Are you self-motivated?
- Are you comfortable working alone?
- Can you deal with the isolation?
- Can you work without on-site peer or management support?
- Have you the right equipment to carry out the work?
- Are you tech-savvy? Remember there will be no IT guy on-hand to come and fix your laptop or printer.
Next steps
Always do your research – a quick internet trawl will give you a list of companies that are currently offering remote-based jobs.
You can narrow your search to local remote positions or search for remote jobs within certain countries, cities, and towns.
Remember some organizations will be happy to have a pool of global employees, but it is ultimately your responsibility to meet all the legal requirements and pay all taxes according to your residency status.
Use filters for positions you are interested in and remember to search for full-time, part-time, employee, self-employed, freelancer, or remote employee.
Sell yourself
Think about what makes you stand out from the crowd.
Write your CV outlining your skills, and also what experience you can bring to the role.
- Have you worked remotely before?
- Have you any experience in dealing with specific areas of business?
- Also are you proficient in the use of CRMs or other specialist software?
Prospective employers will do their research on potential employees so it may be worthwhile updating your profile on professional sites like LinkedIn.
Use platforms that can positively boost your profile – and remember whatever you have previously posted publicly can still be seen by everyone!
How to find a remote job – as you can see there are many factors to consider. Take your time and do your research.
Remember you only get one chance to make a first impression!
Can you think of anything else to add to the list? Just drop us an email and let us know.